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Why I support Spurs: TTiD......

Guest Blogger - Shailan Patel - September 2024

Why I Support Spurs: Hope

Supporting Tottenham Hotspur isn’t just about football. It’s about HOPE - a vital ingredient that every Spurs fan carries with them. Hope for glory, hope for playing the beautiful game, hope for that next brilliant performance and the hope for silverware (I write with a smirk). If you’re a Spurs supporter, you know what I mean. It’s a shared belief that no matter the result, we’ll be back, pushing forward, waiting for our moment.

A Family Tradition

My journey with Spurs began in the early 90s. My earliest memory is from the 1991 FA Cup semi-final against Arsenal, the one where Gazza scored that iconic free-kick. I can’t quite remember if I watched it live or not, but that moment etched itself in my mind. However, it wasn’t until Klinsmann joined the team in 1994 that I became more of a fan. His debut goal against Sheffield Wednesday still stands out, and that was the moment I was hooked. Maybe back then it was more expectation of what was to come than hope. How wrong I was (again, I write with a smirk).


Like many football fans, the team I followed wasn’t really a choice. My family grew up in North London, and Spurs loyalty runs through them. My older cousins and brother were Spurs, and naturally, I was too. It’s funny how football can feel predetermined, like a rite of passage in the family. And as fate would have it, my own kids are destined for the same roller-coaster ride, whether they like it or not!


Would I ever change my team? No hope.

The White Hart Lane Days

I was fortunate to have a season ticket for three seasons, from 2006 to 2009, with my best friend. Depending on how you look at it, it was quite a successful period for the club. As Martin Jol often said, we were "the best of the rest" in 2007, finishing fifth for the second consecutive season. But that period gave me memories I’ll never forget. I got to sing Spurs are on their way to Wembley and actually go. Two EFL cup finals, one of which brought us our last trophy to date.


I’ll always remember the 2008 League Cup final. I’ll never forget the feeling when Keane and King lifted the trophy after we beat Chelsea. I’ll admit, I missed Drogba’s goal due to a trip to the men’s room after too many pre-match beers, but I was there for our goals. After the final whistle, I was shirtless, dancing in celebration at Wembley - not a sight for sore eyes, but I didn’t care. We had done it. We beat Chelsea.


The following year, we were back at Wembley under Harry, but lost to Manchester United on penalties in the 2009 League Cup final. That day didn’t quite have the same magic, but another Wembley outing as a Spurs fan is always special.


Spurs in New Zealand

In 2010, I moved to New Zealand, and ironically, I’ve watched more Spurs matches from this side of the world than I ever did in England. I can catch every single game, thanks to them all being televised. No matter the time or where I am, I’m there. And what’s made it even better is being part of Kiwi Spurs, a dedicated community of Spurs supporters in New Zealand.


It’s fantastic to connect with fellow fans in the early hours, cheering on the team and experiencing the highs and lows together. The passion and camaraderie among the Kiwi Spurs is unmatched, and it’s become my football home away from N17. Unforgettable times, from watching Moura’s hat-trick at The Fox to nights out with Spurs legends. Hearing from icons like Graham Roberts, Clive Allen and Steve Perryman - who’ve seen the club’s glory days - was inspiring, even for someone like me who’s only really ever thought about football in Premier League terms.


Lifting Trophies (Sort of)

I joke sometimes that I’ve lifted more trophies than recent Spurs captains, thanks to Kiwi Spurs and Perryman bringing the FA Cup to his event. While that’s obviously not true, being part of this community has filled the trophy-shaped void that every Spurs fan knows all too well. We may not have won a trophy in recent times, but the hope never fades. We live for those moments of brilliance, those fleeting glimpses of success that keep us coming back for more.


The Spurs Way: All about Hope

Supporting Spurs doesn’t have any guarantees. It’s about hope. Every season, we start with that glimmer in our eyes, thinking “this could be our year.” Whether it’s a push for silverware or just beating Arsenal, Spurs fans know the importance of holding onto hope, no matter the outcome.


Through the ups and downs, the near misses, and the heartbreaks, the one constant has been our undying belief that something special is just around the corner. And that’s what being a Spurs fan is all about - believing in the dream, even when reality tries to bring us down. Hope springs eternal in the hearts of every Spurs supporter.


Would I change following Spurs, even after all these years? Absolutely not, there’s no hope of that.


 Shailan Patel: Hopeful Spurs Fan


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